Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MLK Weekend


Last week, seemingly out of the blue, k asked, “Did you know that before I was born, life was unfair?”  Puzzled, I asked her what she meant.  She said that in school she learned that some kids could not go to the schools that they wanted to go to.  I put two and two together, and asked if she also learned about certain people having to sit in the back of the bus and using separate drinking fountains.  She said “yes”, so I guess Kindergarten is when lessons about social injustice are first introduced.  I don’t think we had really talked about it as a family before, so it was a good jumping off point.  I chose not to go into how, in many ways, life still is not fair.  She will learn soon enough, I am sure.  On Monday, D showed k the “I have a dream” speech on the internet.  How nice to have such resources at our fingertips.

On Saturday k went to a Girl Scout Cookie Rally at UCI.  (She will officially begin selling cookies on Sunday.  We are supposed to sell 135 boxes!)  On Sunday we went to Huntington State beach after church.  We made a picnic out of food we picked up from a Super Mex Groupon.  The fish tacos were surprisingly good—a nice sized piece of grilled fish.  D thought they were better than Wahoo’s.


These seagulls were exceptionally smart.  They, along with a huge flock of friends, waited patiently while we ate and followed D to the trashcan.

Both D and k had Monday off so we went to Knott’s or “KBF” as we have started calling it. Smile It was crowded and a tad too warm, so we weren’t able to go on too many rides. 


We stood in a long line for the stage coach.  Unfortunately, we were assigned the inside of the coach, so a lot of the “thrill” was lost.  One of our fellow passengers, a young girl, spent 90% of the time looking at her dad’s iphone, which I thought was sad. 



It is hard to believe this was a major mode of transportation back in the day.  I guess we take our cars for granted. 

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