Sunday, January 27, 2013

Travel with Kids

L and I have been trying to plan out our future vacations with our children in mind. It is crazy to think that we probably only have about 10 big vacations left before k heads off to college. To generate ideas, I started out reading "Frommer's California with Kids," a book we had been given. Then L mentioned that there was a "Frommer's 500 Places to Take you Kids Before They Grow Up". A book with a list always piques my interest. Then I decided to consult New York Times Best Seller Patricia Schultz. She wrote the book "1,000 Places to Visit Before you Die." L had this book in her library, so I started flipping through it and my mind raced. Oh the list possibilities! During my research I found out that Patricia had a "1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before you Die" book. I thought, "Oh, no you didn't!" L was kind enough to borrow it from the library. So I decided to use both of Patricia's books to help me with my travel list. My travel list not only shows the places I have visited, but also lists the places that I would like to take the kids (highlighted in red). The list helped me figure out great places to visit that are close by, and also increased my wanderlust. D's 1,000 Places to Visit

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