Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bedtime Routine

getting ready for bed
Getting the kids ready for bed is no easy task. Our target time for getting k into bed is 7 p.m. This entails us starting the bedtime routine before 6:30. There are baths to be given, teeth to be brushed and flossed, a diaper to be changed, pajamas to be changed into, help to be given with the toilet, books to be read, a water bottle to be refilled and prayers to be said. These things are much easier if D is around to help. Then, after that, there is feeding time for n, and putting him to sleep. This can take anywhere from 15-45 minutes. How quickly this can be done determines how much "me time" I get, so it is easy for me to get testy when things don't happen on schedule. Fortunately (knock on wood) tonight everything went fairly smoothly. I was able to watch my Tivo'd The Hills and The City episodes while folding a basket of laundry without interruption! Earlier in the day I was able to clean our room for a couple of hours while my parents watched the kids. It was quite satisfying (although there is still a lot more to be done). Funny how the things that you get excited about change so much once kids come into the picture.

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