Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cloudy Skies & Apple Cake

Yes, it is really starting to feel like Autumn around here. We even had a little wind and rain last night, and it was so cozy! Need to put the flannel sheets on the bed. In the past two days I've made two apple cakes. Next up will be sour cream apple pie. :)

80's revival.
I bought these headbands for k in preparation for Halloween, thinking she could also wear them on regular days. However, just like all of her other barrettes and bands, she has declared, "I don't like this. It hurts me." She was willing to "put it on by myselves" and have her picture taken, though.

Meanwhile, n is busy crawling around everywhere and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. He also has an insatiable need to crawl toward the computer in our room and reach for the blue power button.
A couple nights last week he slept 8 and 9 hours. However, since he went down around 7, this still didn't mean 8 or 9 hours of sleep for me. I am really looking forward to that day...can't believe it's been almost 7 months since that has happened!

Also, Happy Anniversary to my parents today!

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