Friday, October 30, 2009

Playdate @ Tustin Sports Park

Today I took the kids to Tustin Sports Park for a playdate with some other moms from my moms' group. It is nice because there is a big canopy over the playground equipment which really blocks a lot of the sun. When we arrived at 10 a.m., there was no one else there, but by 11 a.m. it was pretty crowded.

Tustin Sports Park
k liked the "baby" slide but eventually made her way up to the next biggest slide.

red outfit
I love this outfit I bought on clearance at Kohl's before n was even born. I remember thinking it would be so cute on him, and it is!

father & son
Coincidentally, D wore red to work today, too. He dressed in his Canadian "What Aboot It?" shirt for Halloween. Makes sense, since he was born in Canada.

1 comment:

katskitchen said...

Great photo of D & n!